Nutrition Coaching

With Layla Kelling

Precision Nutrition Level 1 Coach

As a nutrition coach, I believe in a sustainable approach to eating. No foods should be off-limits. Instead, we should learn to eat the macronutrients our bodies need in just the right amounts for our goals (weight loss, muscle gain, maintenance) by eating real food (vegetables, meat, fruits).

By learning the right amount of foods to eat, we can reach our goals and use the knowledge to keep up good habits for a lifetime.  No more fad diets, just learning good habits. We can help you lose weight, build muscle, balance your energy levels, and ensure you’re fueling your body with the best foods possible.


  • Learn how to properly set your body up for fat loss to minimize hunger and cravings?
  • Lose the fat for good without risk of it coming back?

  • Get through an afternoon fueled and energized instead of relying on more caffeine?

  • Enjoy your workouts?

  • See your hard work in the gym pay-off?

Coaching Options

1:1 Personalized Coaching

This is a program is for someone looking for in depth nutrition coaching that includes daily accountability with a coach, reviewing your food journal and weekly progress reports via photos, measurements and an in-depth look at your stress, sleep and food choices. Because of the detailed nature of this option, there are limited spots available

3 Month minimum commitment.

Nutrition Audit

This is a one time assessment is perfect for someone who is familiar with macro counting and is self-motivated.  Includes daily calorie + macronutrient calculation based on your activity levels and goals.

Interested in coaching? Fill out the application below and you will hear back within 24 hours to set up a complimentary discovery call.