Monthly Archives: July 2022


July 2022

CrossFit- what to expect


Maybe you've been thinking about trying CrossFit, but you don't know what to expect.  Maybe you're not sure you're ready. Or not sure what it even looks like for someone new to fitness.   In this day and age of the internet and social media, you've likely heard some horror stories. Workouts that leave you [...]

CrossFit- what to expect2022-07-27T14:51:09-04:00

5 tips for faster results


You asked for it, you’ve got it! A list of 5 ways you can boost the results from your workouts … STARTING TODAY. By “results,” we mean noticeable changes in your stamina, strength, energy, and overall fitness. Before we get into the tips, we want you to remember one thing that will help drive all [...]

5 tips for faster results2022-07-18T17:14:25-04:00