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So far crossfit30004 has created 79 blog entries.

November 2022

How to cut calories without starving


If you're like a lot of people, you're probably wondering how to cut calories without starving. Many people begin trying to lose weight by cutting calories. However, most people cut calories so drastically that they feel hungry all the time. Not only is this unpleasant, but it won’t actually help you lose fat. The best [...]

How to cut calories without starving2022-11-28T16:51:33-05:00

Why you can’t stop eating junk food


  Have you ever wondered why you can't stop eating junk food? With the holidays coming up, may find yourself asking “Who ate all these chips?!”  It’s not your fault. If you’ve had this experience—robotically hand-to-mouthing some ultra-delicious, highly snackable food until the whole party-size portion is gone—you’ve probably felt frustrated or even ashamed.   [...]

Why you can’t stop eating junk food2022-11-21T13:22:22-05:00

How to get the results you want


If you're like a lot of people, you may be wondering how to get the results that you want. When people talk about their health and fitness goals, generally, they say things like: ⚖️ I want to lose 20 pounds. 🧘🏻 I want to be less stressed. 🏃🏾‍♀️ I want to be stronger.   These [...]

How to get the results you want2022-11-14T18:15:41-05:00

7 Ways to Support Your Immune System


7 Ways to Support Your Immune System.   As the weather gets cooler and we spend more time indoors, avoiding sickness by strengthening our immune system is important.  We all want to stay healthy, feel our best and avoid missing out on activities.   Especially if you have kids, common viruses tend to get passes [...]

7 Ways to Support Your Immune System2022-11-07T16:40:39-05:00

October 2022

Do you need more protein as you get older


Do you need more protein as you get older? This is a question we are asked often.  Let's dive in.   There is a common idea that as we age we need to make drastic changes to our nutrition.  We've seen ideas floating around the internet that you HAVE to give up carbs, take up [...]

Do you need more protein as you get older2022-10-27T15:38:30-04:00

How long it really takes to get results


  How long does it really take to get results? This is something we get asked about all the time!   This post will lay it all out for you but we also want you to keep one important thing in mind … PLEASE do NOT get into the “crash” mindset, where you try to [...]

How long it really takes to get results2022-10-17T17:47:45-04:00

September 2022

5 Reasons You’re Not Seeing Results


Are you ready to ramp up your results? We hope so! Let's dive into 5 reasons you're not seeing results. Basically, a plateau is when your results stall out and you stop seeing the progress you saw when you first started your program. Nearly EVERYONE goes through a plateau from time to time. It’s not [...]

5 Reasons You’re Not Seeing Results2022-09-29T14:59:05-04:00

Cycle of Stress Eating


Have you ever fallen victim to the cycle of stress eating? Have you ever wondered why?   When life gets hard, people often turn to food. And often, eat way more than they want (or even realize). When we work with nutrition clients, emotional eating is often one of their top challenges and it's not [...]

Cycle of Stress Eating2022-09-15T08:21:00-04:00

Eat this to boost your workout


Do you love “hacks” when it comes to fitness and health? How about a list of foods to boost your workout?! Well, these fruits and veggies below can help power up your workouts and recovery in a big way … And I bet the next time you see them in the grocery store, you’ll look [...]

Eat this to boost your workout2022-09-06T18:26:52-04:00

August 2022

Why Kids Should Do CrossFit


Why Kids and Teens should do CrossFit: There are so many choices for kid's activities these days. So you may be asking yourself, what makes CrossFit so great for kids and teens? Builds Confidence No one debates the importance of building confidence in kids. Participating in CrossFit will help kids feel accomplished when they learn [...]

Why Kids Should Do CrossFit2022-08-24T17:42:44-04:00