When you think “healthy breakfast” … what’s one of the first foods that pops into your mind?


If it’s a smoothie, you’re not alone!


Smoothies are a quick and easy option when you want something cool and refreshing … and we’ve got a spicy-sweet protein-boosting recipe that we think you’ll love. It also makes a great post-workout choice.


FROZEN GRAPE TIP: Wash and dry the grapes thoroughly then spread them out on a freezer-safe sheet pan. Put the pan in the freezer until the grapes are frozen (about an hour). Then you can transfer them to a freezer-safe container or bag.

Freezing grapes separately can help stop them from freezing together.


Pineapple Green Breakfast Smoothie

(Serves 1)

1 cup (150 grams) chopped fresh or frozen pineapple
1 cup (30 grams) packed chopped spinach
1 cup (95 grams) green grapes, frozen
Juice of ½ lemon
1 tsp grated fresh ginger
1 tsp ground flaxseed
1-2 Tbsp your milk alternative, water, or coconut water, as needed
½ to 1 scoop vanilla protein powder

Place all the ingredients in a high-speed blender and blend until smooth. Add liquid (milk alternative, water, or coconut water) as needed if the mixture is too thick. Pour into a glass and drink up!

Here’s another frozen grape tip: they can make a great snack if you are craving something cold and sweet.


Do you love to try new recipes that move you closer to your health and fitness goals? Our coaching program may be perfect for you!


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