

November 2022

Why you can’t stop eating junk food


  Have you ever wondered why you can't stop eating junk food? With the holidays coming up, may find yourself asking “Who ate all these chips?!”  It’s not your fault. If you’ve had this experience—robotically hand-to-mouthing some ultra-delicious, highly snackable food until the whole party-size portion is gone—you’ve probably felt frustrated or even ashamed.   [...]

Why you can’t stop eating junk food2022-11-21T13:22:22-05:00

7 Ways to Support Your Immune System


7 Ways to Support Your Immune System.   As the weather gets cooler and we spend more time indoors, avoiding sickness by strengthening our immune system is important.  We all want to stay healthy, feel our best and avoid missing out on activities.   Especially if you have kids, common viruses tend to get passes [...]

7 Ways to Support Your Immune System2022-11-07T16:40:39-05:00

August 2022

Healthy Breakfast


When you think “healthy breakfast” … what’s one of the first foods that pops into your mind?   If it’s a smoothie, you’re not alone!   Smoothies are a quick and easy option when you want something cool and refreshing … and we’ve got a spicy-sweet protein-boosting recipe that we think you’ll love. It also makes [...]

Healthy Breakfast2022-08-16T15:52:29-04:00

July 2018

September 2017

Did you get any Rest?


So often we find ourselves stuck in familiar patterns that prevent us from making progress. Often all we need is a little rest to push us forward, past plateaus and further into our true potential. In the following article Jonathan dives into the idea of "Rest". "Let me preface this by saying that I believe [...]

Did you get any Rest?2017-09-12T17:30:17-04:00

May 2017

Barbell Etiquette


If you didn't notice we have 12 new 20kg barbells in the rotation for you all to use. Because of the new barbells we decided a little barbell etiquette tutorial was appropriate. Hopefully this will help us maintain our equipment in fantastic working order for a long time to come. Hold each [...]

Barbell Etiquette2017-05-09T08:18:56-04:00