Strength Training For Healthy Hormones

Let’s talk about how to support your hormones and improve metabolism through strength training.

When we talk about strength training, what we are really talking about is building muscle.  The process of putting your body into an anabolic state of growth and recovery. This is the opposite of a catabolic state, which burns through resources and breaks down muscle tissue for energy.

Unfortunately, a lot of us struggle with metabolic issues. This means that encouraging that anabolic process is what we want to do to support our body’s stress response and prevent further exhaustion.  Strength training is going to give you the biggest bang for your buck, so to speak, because of that muscle-building aspect.


Building muscle improves our metabolic rate, but here are some other benefits of building muscle through strength training that you may not be aware of:

  • Muscle is an endocrine (hormone) organ, which means it helps regulate our hormones.
  • Contracting our muscles can help reduce inflammation.
  • Muscle has thyroid receptors, and improves thyroid function in the body.
  • Muscle helps make us more sensitive to insulin by taking up more glucose from the blood and using it for energy.


What Makes Up A Good Strength Training Program

​While all movement can be beneficial for our bodies, there is a difference between everyday movement (NEAT) and actual strength training. For example, NEAT movement includes doing things around the house, cleaning, folding laundry, yard work, etc. Training, on the other hand, is following a program that is designed to have you see progress over time. This is the main difference, and what we’re talking about when we refer to a strength training program.

There are so many different programs out there that it can be hard to discern which is best. Here’s what to look for when considering which program to join:

  • Generally 3 days a week.
  • Moving with intention— moving carefully and with proper form.
  • Well thought out program that increases weights —using bodyweight alone can only get you to a certain point; adding load is required for building strength over time.
  • Minimum effective dose—what is the least amount of stress we can put on the body to move the needle in strength?
  • Includes all of the major movement patterns that your body is used to doing—like squat, push, pull, hinge, lunge, and carry.

If you’re interested in exploring the strength programs that we offer at CrossFit 30004, simply fill out this form and one of our coaches will contact you to see if we are a good fit to work together. Contact Us HERE!


You might be surprised to find out that getting healthy is a lot more simple than you think.