

July 2024

CrossFit terms for beginners


When your just starting out, all the terms we use in a CrossFit gym can be a bit confusing. So here's a guide of CrossFit terms for beginners. WOD: In CrossFit, the Workout of the Day (WOD) is the heart of each session. It's a varied and intense workout designed to challenge multiple muscle groups and [...]

CrossFit terms for beginners2024-07-05T15:07:56-04:00

April 2023

How to stop snacking on junk


Do you have junk food cravings? Let's talk about how to stop snacking on junk   You know what we're talking about… you’re sitting at your desk at 2 p.m. and suddenly ALL you can think about are chocolate chip cookies. Or you’re watching TV at night and feel the ice cream or chips in the [...]

How to stop snacking on junk2023-04-27T14:06:37-04:00

March 2023

Posture and Digestion


  We’re getting a little personal today, but were gonna talk about the link between posture and digestion. We just can’t talk about core strength without today’s topic: digestion!   You might not realize it, but your posture (and core strength) have a HUGE impact on how you digest your food.   Here’s how:   [...]

Posture and Digestion2023-03-20T08:51:47-04:00

January 2023

Simple Goals


  Are you ready to set some simple goals for the new year? We've got a tip for you that’s so simple it will: 1) Blow your mind and 2) Make you think “dad joke”   Q: What’s the secret to reaching your goals? A: Set goals that you can reach. We know that sounds [...]

Simple Goals2023-01-10T11:29:03-05:00

November 2022

How to get the results you want


If you're like a lot of people, you may be wondering how to get the results that you want. When people talk about their health and fitness goals, generally, they say things like: ⚖️ I want to lose 20 pounds. 🧘🏻 I want to be less stressed. 🏃🏾‍♀️ I want to be stronger.   These [...]

How to get the results you want2022-11-14T18:15:41-05:00

October 2022

How long it really takes to get results


  How long does it really take to get results? This is something we get asked about all the time!   This post will lay it all out for you but we also want you to keep one important thing in mind … PLEASE do NOT get into the “crash” mindset, where you try to [...]

How long it really takes to get results2022-10-17T17:47:45-04:00

September 2022

5 Reasons You’re Not Seeing Results


Are you ready to ramp up your results? We hope so! Let's dive into 5 reasons you're not seeing results. Basically, a plateau is when your results stall out and you stop seeing the progress you saw when you first started your program. Nearly EVERYONE goes through a plateau from time to time. It’s not [...]

5 Reasons You’re Not Seeing Results2022-09-29T14:59:05-04:00

July 2022

CrossFit- what to expect


Maybe you've been thinking about trying CrossFit, but you don't know what to expect.  Maybe you're not sure you're ready. Or not sure what it even looks like for someone new to fitness.   In this day and age of the internet and social media, you've likely heard some horror stories. Workouts that leave you [...]

CrossFit- what to expect2022-07-27T14:51:09-04:00

5 tips for faster results


You asked for it, you’ve got it! A list of 5 ways you can boost the results from your workouts … STARTING TODAY. By “results,” we mean noticeable changes in your stamina, strength, energy, and overall fitness. Before we get into the tips, we want you to remember one thing that will help drive all [...]

5 tips for faster results2022-07-18T17:14:25-04:00

June 2022

are you a stress eater


Are you a stress eater? In a study, more than 75% of adults said that stress played a role in their eating during the past month.   If you’ve ever had a stressful day (or year!) that affected your eating habits, you are NOT alone. This includes overeating, eating junk foods, or not eating. It [...]

are you a stress eater2022-06-15T16:49:15-04:00