
/Tag: health

March 2024

are you stress eating


Raise your hand if you’ve ever had a bad day and “treated yourself” to sugary or high-fat processed food! Pizza … ice cream … chips … or whatever other food falls into your “self-soothing” category. Stress eating is REAL. BUT … too much stress eating will derail your results. And even more importantly, it’s not [...]

are you stress eating2024-03-21T14:36:34-04:00

April 2022

Do you have stress bod?


Do you have stress bod? Let's explore. You probably think you know what stress is and how it feels: The anxiety of having a million different things on your to-do list That pounding heart when you have to slam on the breaks The desire to mope around and slam doors when the day doesn't [...]

Do you have stress bod?2022-04-22T12:44:44-04:00

May 2021

Have you heard of “inflammaging”?


Pssst...inflamation plus aging = inflammaging.  We've got a little assignment for you today that might lead you to a delicious weekend project! Go into your kitchen and look inside your pantry ... and then open up your fridge and take a look in there, too. What’s inside can make a BIG difference in how you age. [...]

Have you heard of “inflammaging”?2021-05-12T15:58:58-04:00

March 2021

Stress Eating


Stress Eating.  It's a subject that's not that fun to talk about but whether we want to admit it or not, it's something that most of us do.  After a long day, those cookies in the pantry start looking really good. Before we try to tackle it, let's look at a cycle you have likely [...]

Stress Eating2021-03-22T16:44:15-04:00

August 2020

Meal Plans – Yes or No?


Meal plans aren't the best way to transform your diet. Often people trying to improve their eating and nutrition think that meal plans are the answer. The only problem? ...they don't last. So, instead of looking for yet another doomed eating regimen, let's talk about ways to transform your diet in a sustainable way. [...]

Meal Plans – Yes or No?2020-08-13T16:19:21-04:00