graphic with what does crossfit look like textCurious about trying CrossFit but feeling unsure about what to expect? Maybe you’re wondering what exactly does CrossFit look like? Or if you’re ready or if it’s right for someone who’s new to fitness.

In today’s internet age, you might have stumbled upon tales of workouts leaving folks collapsed on the floor, feeling like hurling or unable to move the next day. But fear not! Those are the extreme examples that make good headlines.

Stepping into the world of CrossFit will be a decision you won’t regret. So, if you’re eyeing CrossFit but feeling lost, this guide is your beacon.

What’s a typical class like?

Each session spans an hour, led by a coach, and generally follows this rhythm:

  1. Warm-up and Introductions
  2. Coach demos the workout and scaling options.
  3. Strength and/or accessory work
  4. The WOD/Metcon (workout of the day)
  5. Cool down and recovery

Do I need to be “in shape” to start?

Absolutely NOT!

CrossFit welcomes everyone, no matter where they are in their fitness journey. You might meet an experienced athlete and a total barbell rookie – both smashing an incredible workout. CrossFit focuses on safe, effective exercise and sound nutrition. It suits any goal, from better health to weight loss to peak performance. It’s for beginners and seasoned athletes alike.

Safety first! We require onboarding classes for CrossFit newcomers. You’ll dive into workouts while mastering movements safely. No tossing you blindly into a class here. Scaling is our magic – adjusting workouts to fit every member’s abilities. At CrossFit Gyms, trained coaches are experts, unlike those gyms just mimicking “CrossFit” workouts.

Am I prepared?

If you’re still pondering, “Hmm, this all adds up, but am I really ready?”

Yes, you are.

We’re a community embracing all shapes, ages, backgrounds. Located in Alpharetta (south Forsyth area) for a over a decade, we’ve helped nearly 2000 individuals in reaching their goals. Our coaches are excited to guide you, make you comfy, and cheer for your progress.

If you’re eager to change your life, invest time and effort – you’re CrossFit-ready. Just click HERE, and our coaches will dive into your goals, showcasing how we can help you reach them.