What to expect at your first crossfit classSo, you’ve signed up for your first CrossFit class—congrats! We understand that it can be a bit scary walking back into a gym (or even visiting for the first time) OR frustrating if you’re not quite getting the results you want from your current routine. At Power Athletics, home of CrossFit 30004, we understand that you want to look better, feel better, and live a more active life. We want our relationship to start off great…so let’s break down what you can expect from that first experience.

1. Warm Welcome

When you walk into a CrossFit gym, you won’t find people glaring at you for being new. In fact, CrossFit communities are super supportive, and you’ll likely get some high-fives or fist bumps before you even start sweating.

The coach will introduce themselves right away. This is all about making you feel part of the team, because CrossFit thrives on community. You won’t be left to figure things out alone. That’s the whole point of having a coach!

2. Class Format

At CrossFit 30004, our class typically follows this format: warmup, strength, WOD (workout of the day). These are different every day to keep things interesting. But don’t be mistaken, it is NOT random. All the programming is done by our owner and head coach to fit the needs of our community.

Don’t worry if you see movements you don’t recognize—this happens to everyone at first. Your coach will take time to walk the group through each movement, explain modifications (if needed), and answer any questions you might have.

3. Movements You’ll Learn

Expect a mix of functional movements, many of which mimic everyday actions—like squatting, pressing, and pulling. Some common moves you might see are:

  • Air squats (bodyweight squats)
  • Burpees (everyone’s favorite, right?)
  • Kettlebell swings
  • Push-ups
  • Box jumps
  • Rowing or running
  • Pull Ups
  • Squats
  • Deadlifts

Your first class won’t throw you into anything too intense, though. Coaches are great at scaling movements to fit your fitness level. So, if you can’t do a full pull-up yet, no sweat—you’ll work on a modified version. You DO NOT have to be “in shape” to start CrossFit. That’s what we are here to help with!

4. Pacing and Scaling

Here’s the big thing to remember: everyone starts somewhere. The pace, weights, and intensity are tailored to your level. If you’re feeling unsure about your fitness level, rest assured that our coaches are pros at modifying the workout to meet you where you are.

Scaling can look like doing push-ups from your knees instead of full push-ups, or lifting lighter weights if you’re not used to barbells yet. What matters is putting in effort, not matching the person next to you.

5. Community Over Competition

One of the most unique aspects of CrossFit is how it fosters teamwork—even though it can seem competitive. You’ll find people cheering each other on, celebrating personal bests, and supporting each other when the workout gets tough. It’s not about being the fastest or the strongest—it’s about getting through the workout together.

6. Expect to Be Challenged

CrossFit is designed to push your limits, so it’s normal to feel out of breath and a bit overwhelmed during your first class. But don’t worry—no one expects you to nail everything on day one. Take your time, focus on form, and remember, it’s just the beginning.


Final Thoughts

Your first CrossFit class will challenge you, but it will also open the door to a community and style of training that’s empowering. Go at your own pace, listen to your body, and don’t be afraid to ask questions. Everyone was a beginner at some point, and the CrossFit 30004 community is there to help you grow stronger—one class at a time.

Are you ready to jump in? Click HERE