graphic that says why we do our own programming

Unlocking Personalized Success: Why One Size Doesn’t Fit All in Fitness

Success is a journey, not a destination. In the world of fitness, the path to success varies for everyone. There’s no magic formula that fits every individual like a glove. Generic programs and cookie-cutter approaches might give you a workout, but do they truly train you?


The Pitfall of One-Size-Fits-All:

Since starting in 2011, we’ve witnessed the pitfalls of generic programs. These programs, often designed outside the community they serve, lack a crucial element—personalization. Your fitness journey is unique, and the program that you follow should reflect that.

Our Proven Methodology:

At Power Athletics, home of CrossFit 30004, our owner and head coach, Jonathan Edwards, has been successfully guiding our member community towards their specific goals with his programming. Our proven methodology is more than a workout routine; it’s a constantly evolving approach centered around the core belief that becoming the strongest version of yourself involves your mind, body, and spirit. It’s a holistic approach to fitness that acknowledges the individuality of each person’s life stage and aspirations.

Training vs. Workouts:

Any gym can hand you a workout routine, but not every gym can truly train you. We go beyond exercises and sets; we invest in understanding your unique needs and goals. It’s the difference between a generic approach and a personalized, transformative experience.

Why No Program Compares:

Curious about the difference? Come see why no program compares to what we offer at CrossFit 30004. Our community thrives because we prioritize you—the individual. Success is not a one-size-fits-all concept, and our approach reflects that truth.

Your fitness journey is personal. Let’s make sure your program is too. Discover the difference at CrossFit 30004 and embark on a fitness journey that’s uniquely yours.


If you’re ready to get started on the individual path to your goals, contact us HERE