Monthly Archives: May 2017

May 2017

Choices and Chains


My friend Ron Jutze was explaining that the human mind thinks in pictures; It doesn't think in text, words, or anything else. So, when life happens around us we will often assign those experiences with pictures in our memories. It is the emotions attached to those pictures that we form our beliefs. Therefore, if [...]

Choices and Chains2023-08-19T16:58:33-04:00

Barbell Etiquette


If you didn't notice we have 12 new 20kg barbells in the rotation for you all to use. Because of the new barbells we decided a little barbell etiquette tutorial was appropriate. Hopefully this will help us maintain our equipment in fantastic working order for a long time to come. Hold each [...]

Barbell Etiquette2017-05-09T08:18:56-04:00