Monthly Archives: August 2022


August 2022

Why Kids Should Do CrossFit


Why Kids and Teens should do CrossFit: There are so many choices for kid's activities these days. So you may be asking yourself, what makes CrossFit so great for kids and teens? Builds Confidence No one debates the importance of building confidence in kids. Participating in CrossFit will help kids feel accomplished when they learn [...]

Why Kids Should Do CrossFit2022-08-24T17:42:44-04:00

Healthy Breakfast


When you think “healthy breakfast” … what’s one of the first foods that pops into your mind?   If it’s a smoothie, you’re not alone!   Smoothies are a quick and easy option when you want something cool and refreshing … and we’ve got a spicy-sweet protein-boosting recipe that we think you’ll love. It also makes [...]

Healthy Breakfast2022-08-16T15:52:29-04:00

sleep habits


How are your sleep habits? When our members are struggling in almost any area of their fitness/health … there’s one question at the top of our list to help figure out what’s going on. “How’s your sleep?” Getting your sleep habits under control is a super important “basic” that will help skyrocket your results. It impacts [...]

sleep habits2022-08-10T16:50:17-04:00