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So far crossfit30004 has created 79 blog entries.

August 2022

Healthy Breakfast


When you think “healthy breakfast” … what’s one of the first foods that pops into your mind?   If it’s a smoothie, you’re not alone!   Smoothies are a quick and easy option when you want something cool and refreshing … and we’ve got a spicy-sweet protein-boosting recipe that we think you’ll love. It also makes [...]

Healthy Breakfast2022-08-16T15:52:29-04:00

sleep habits


How are your sleep habits? When our members are struggling in almost any area of their fitness/health … there’s one question at the top of our list to help figure out what’s going on. “How’s your sleep?” Getting your sleep habits under control is a super important “basic” that will help skyrocket your results. It impacts [...]

sleep habits2022-08-10T16:50:17-04:00

July 2022

CrossFit- what to expect


Maybe you've been thinking about trying CrossFit, but you don't know what to expect.  Maybe you're not sure you're ready. Or not sure what it even looks like for someone new to fitness.   In this day and age of the internet and social media, you've likely heard some horror stories. Workouts that leave you [...]

CrossFit- what to expect2022-07-27T14:51:09-04:00

5 tips for faster results


You asked for it, you’ve got it! A list of 5 ways you can boost the results from your workouts … STARTING TODAY. By “results,” we mean noticeable changes in your stamina, strength, energy, and overall fitness. Before we get into the tips, we want you to remember one thing that will help drive all [...]

5 tips for faster results2022-07-18T17:14:25-04:00

June 2022

Ultimate Post Workout Shake


Looking for a great post workout shake? Look no further. Here's your ultimate choco-cherry post-workout shake!   This recipe features a SUPERFOOD when it comes to post-workout recovery.   Have you heard about all the amazing powers of tart cherry juice? Tart cherry juice is exactly what it sounds like: it’s the juice of sour Montmorency [...]

Ultimate Post Workout Shake2022-06-30T15:30:50-04:00

are you a stress eater


Are you a stress eater? In a study, more than 75% of adults said that stress played a role in their eating during the past month.   If you’ve ever had a stressful day (or year!) that affected your eating habits, you are NOT alone. This includes overeating, eating junk foods, or not eating. It [...]

are you a stress eater2022-06-15T16:49:15-04:00

Range Of Motion


In CrossFit, we progress in this order: Mechanics, Consistency, and then Intensity. Following this progression will allow you to get the full benefits of what we offer in classes. Let's breakdown by what we mean by each of those terms: Mechanics The first step in any fitness journey is to learn to perform basic movement [...]

Range Of Motion2022-06-07T16:45:58-04:00

Portion Control


Have you ever tried to implement portion control but weren't exactly sure how? Did you know that we eat about 300 more calories every day than we did in 1985? When you consider there are 3,500 calories in a pound, you can see how fast these extra calories add up. So, how are you supposed to [...]

Portion Control2022-05-25T17:14:02-04:00

May 2022

stress web


What Does Your Stress Web Look Like? Sometimes it really helps to see things on paper. Your stressors are no exception. So today we are going to be talking about the "stress web". It's a system designed to help you clearly see what areas of your life are most affected by stress.  So instead of just [...]

stress web2022-05-18T16:12:49-04:00

April 2022

Strength Training For Healthy Hormones


Strength Training For Healthy Hormones Let's talk about how to support your hormones and improve metabolism through strength training. When we talk about strength training, what we are really talking about is building muscle.  The process of putting your body into an anabolic state of growth and recovery. This is the opposite of a catabolic [...]

Strength Training For Healthy Hormones2022-04-29T17:14:52-04:00