Yearly Archives: 2024


September 2024

Why CrossFit is Good for General Health


When you hear the word CrossFit, what may come to mind is intense workouts, heavy weights, and maybe even some intimidating athletes you've seen online. But CrossFit isn’t just for elite athletes or those that are already fit, it can be an excellent tool for improving your general health, no matter where you're starting from. [...]

Why CrossFit is Good for General Health2024-09-18T15:29:23-04:00

What to Expect at Your First CrossFit Class


So, you’ve signed up for your first CrossFit class—congrats! We understand that it can be a bit scary walking back into a gym (or even visiting for the first time) OR frustrating if you're not quite getting the results you want from your current routine. At Power Athletics, home of CrossFit 30004, we understand that [...]

What to Expect at Your First CrossFit Class2024-09-09T15:29:33-04:00

July 2024

CrossFit terms for beginners


When your just starting out, all the terms we use in a CrossFit gym can be a bit confusing. So here's a guide of CrossFit terms for beginners. WOD: In CrossFit, the Workout of the Day (WOD) is the heart of each session. It's a varied and intense workout designed to challenge multiple muscle groups and [...]

CrossFit terms for beginners2024-07-05T15:07:56-04:00

March 2024

are you stress eating


Raise your hand if you’ve ever had a bad day and “treated yourself” to sugary or high-fat processed food! Pizza … ice cream … chips … or whatever other food falls into your “self-soothing” category. Stress eating is REAL. BUT … too much stress eating will derail your results. And even more importantly, it’s not [...]

are you stress eating2024-03-21T14:36:34-04:00

Why crossfit three times per week


Are you considering skipping your next CrossFit class? Or maybe you're considering joining and you're wondering how many classes per week we recommend. Here are five compelling reasons why attending CrossFit classes at least three times a week is essential for you to see results: Community and Support: CrossFit isn't just a workout; it's a [...]

Why crossfit three times per week2024-03-06T17:45:58-05:00

February 2024

How do we onboard beginners to CrossFit


If you're reading this, you're probably considering getting started with CrossFit. One of the biggest questions that we get is how do we onboard new members that are beginners to CrossFit.   But fear not, because you're not alone. At our CrossFit gym, we're all about community and support, and we'd be thrilled to welcome you [...]

How do we onboard beginners to CrossFit2024-02-27T15:58:45-05:00

Debunking CrossFit Myths


Debunking CrossFit Myths: Unveiling the Truth Behind the Hype If you're considering giving CrossFit a try, you may have done a simple google search and now you're drowning in a sea of myths and misconceptions. Don't worry, because today we're unraveling the truth behind the hype. Let's bust some common myths wide open! Myth 1: [...]

Debunking CrossFit Myths2024-02-14T16:08:11-05:00

January 2024

Why we do our own programming


Unlocking Personalized Success: Why One Size Doesn't Fit All in Fitness Success is a journey, not a destination. In the world of fitness, the path to success varies for everyone. There's no magic formula that fits every individual like a glove. Generic programs and cookie-cutter approaches might give you a workout, but do they truly [...]

Why we do our own programming2024-01-29T18:37:37-05:00

what does crossfit look like


Curious about trying CrossFit but feeling unsure about what to expect? Maybe you're wondering what exactly does CrossFit look like? Or if you're ready or if it's right for someone who's new to fitness. In today's internet age, you might have stumbled upon tales of workouts leaving folks collapsed on the floor, feeling like hurling [...]

what does crossfit look like2024-01-10T16:25:17-05:00